Tuesday, February 5, 2013

“Fixing Null Sec” – Shut’er down!!

So I was going to start by listing what the problems were with SOV/ Null Sec but if you don’t know already then don’t bother reading any further.  I’m not going to build a case for my thoughts, as they’re pretty self-explanatory if you’ve played the game for a while.  I’m going to only hit on three ideas and then drop a few thoughts along the way.  If anyone has ever worked on a piece of heavy equipment that’s not running correctly anymore you’d know the only way to fix it is to shut it down………Null Sec is no different..

TLDR = Future of Null Sec = No “Sovereignty” and “Freeport” all currently anchored 0.0 stations…….key word… “currently”.  This approach will establish a solid foundation from which to rebuild Null Sec mechanics and allow CCP to actually “tweak” them for years to come without a catastrophic implosion….

Many of you know I’ve been promoting this idea for a while via forums, twitter, etc. and I know it’s not a popular option be it that many Null Sec players for the last 10 years have spent hours shooting structures to “claim” their piece of null sec.  Your efforts will not go wasted so bear with me a bit as this wonderful sense of ownership won’t go away….

So let’s think about this for a few minutes.  Null Sec with a clean SOV slate.……   No more grinding structures, ping ponging timers, alarm clocking, and any other horrendous nightmares you can think of from the last 10 years’ experience.  You can change/impact the Null Sec landscape every time you log in and not be subjected to weeks of structures, timers, camps, and blobs…  CCP wouldn’t be faced with trying to fix something that’s always been broken, to make something else that can be “gamed by the few” and gridlocked again like it is now.  They simply turned it off……..SOV all across 0.0 drops…..and the players take control over the new sandbox….

So what are some of the outcomes to doing this…………SOV goes away effectively turning Null Sec back into the “Lawless Space” it’s always been advertised as…………..Station docking doors are flung wide open across all of Null Sec and 10 years of trapped assets are unlocked for thousands of current, and past, pilots to use again.  Pilots are logging in by the thousands and Null Sec springs back to life.

·         Alliances are no longer pinned under the weight of coalitions in order to “keep their space”………..they simply need to live in, and actively defend it for it to be theirs.
·         Local and regional politics would develop with leaders/war lord’s etc. coming out of the wood works to govern with limited power to hold over players’ heads.
·         Back room deals can be made by the lowest level grunt each day which could drastically impact what happens throughout a constellation or region……stronger relationships are born.
·         Contracts mechanics are developed to support regional trade and local deals.
·         Ninja living in Null Sec could be done by anyone who wanted to take the risk alone, in Corps, Alliances by choice while others hunted them.
·         Grass roots market HUBs and industry in Null Sec would grow to amazing size and use all over null sec….Jita size HUBs policed by Mercs etc………. Mos Isley Space Station etc…
·         And so many other opportunities for player driven content would come to life all around 0.0 as players were free to move where they wanted if they were willing to take the risk and develop the relationships..

So no SOV………all the stations are free ported……….now what?  Where can I plant my Alliance flag?  What will it be?........my thought an “Alliance Capital Station”……destructible……

Alliance Capital Station - Each Alliance can launch one “Capital Station” (Per Region?) which is destructible.  Mechanics of how it’s destructible, timers, and what drops is something CCP/Players can toy with.

Thoughts/options that make it “special”:

·         “Capital Stations” allow for Super Carriers to dock
·         Docking rights can be set in Capital Stations unlike the local free ported stations
·         Super Carrier Construction Upgrade Slots to be added to the Capital Station
·         Anchorable mods on the station, large guns, webs, etc. so gunners can use them and station can defend itself like a POS.
·         Industry upgrades can be added, taxes collected, etc.
·         It takes an Alliance to up keep it……….they take fuel, food, dancers, janitors, cows, booze, drugs, etc to operate/maintain………..or it goes off line..
·         Walking in station upgrades, Licenses granted for such things as Casinos, bars, shops etc…….only available at Alliance Capital Stations………the more come the more isk you make
·         DUST Upgrades to be added later, whatever those are.

Embassy’s – (Its already going on so why not make it official) An Alliance holding a Region with a Capital Station, can secure an “Embassy” in a Free-Ported station in each of the Constellations within the Region held.  The benefits of such an Embassy can be decided as this mechanics are hammered out.  Maybe some sort of benefits to anyone using the station for trade, industry, or whatever which in turn allows the Alliance to tax the goings on in that station etc.

So what about Jump Bridges, Cyno Gens, Jammers, CSAAs, and all the other SOV driven items?  Without getting to fucking complicated, I’m pretty sure most of you guys can figure out how to tie those back into the system without turning 0.0 into the same mess it’s in now. 

Let’s face it, CCP is nowhere near figuring out how to “fix” current Null Sec “SOV” mechanics because there is no way to fix it……….shut it down, put in place mechanics that already exist (stations) and with a few tweaks we could be up and running with a new and fresh Null Sec which will thrive for years to come…

Anyways………..It’s an idea. Build off it or adjust as you think will work better but the simpler the idea more apt it’s going to get implemented by CCP quicker.  You folks that keep coming up with these complicated and intricate ways to “fix” it just stagnate the process and to be honest, I think that’s why you do it…..you don’t want it to change because you’d then actually have to put in “effort” to maintain what you want each day…..